Qualtrics Day 2: Advanced Surveys and Distribution
Students will:
- Be able to create a custom formatted survey
- Be able to manipulate the order and flow of questions
- Be able to distribute survey and collect the results
Students will:
- Use many logic types to create maximum survey flow
- Use Skip & Display logic
- Use Branch Logic
- Use the Loop & Merge Logic
- Activate and distribute a survey
- Use and describe response options
- Download survey data
Make your survey professional and appealing using Qualtrics customizing tools. In this class we will discuss the tools that turn a few questions in a clever flowing survey that works for different responses to your survey. You will learn how to export your survey for others to use and manipulate the results of the survey.
Briefly Review Day 1’s Material
Students are going to make a survey as we apply each tool that is taught so make sure they create a new survey to begin with. Read the activity so you know how to teach this lesson with the activity. Prepare a scenario before you come to class with question ideas. Be prepared to ask students for their survey ideas.
Survey Flow and logic (spend majority of class on this section)
- What is Survey Flow? Where do you find options?
- Find the Survey Flow
- In the survey flow, question blocks and any logics you’ve made are called “elements”
- Branch Logic
- What is it?
- Move person into a block of questions
- Move person into groups (i.e age groups, if they don’t meet a certain age they are taken out of the survey)
- Randomizer
- Loop and merge
- Loop & merge fields
- Looping Based on a Question
- Looping based on a number
- Static Loop & Merge
- Randomizing Loop Order
Activate and Distribute Survey
- Distribute survey tab
- Distribution methods
- View results tab
- Add filters onto the results
- How to export Data
- Recap with questions
- Encourage students to make their own surveys to keep these principles fresh in their mind
- Office/Facebook
Create a survey that includes the display and skip logic (from last class) and create use of Loop & Merge. Make it fun for the students to take. Make sure it is pleasantly formatted and has a variety of question types (from last lesson). Post the link for this survey on our Facebook page and have all the students go to our Facebook page (encourage them to like and share us!) and have them go on the link from there. Have everyone complete the survey (no more than 2 minutes) and then ask students what they noticed about the survey. Did they like the format? Get them to notice that some answered different questions due to display and skip logic depending on how they answered. Introduce the lesson for today.
Survey Flow and Logic:
- Now you know what survey flow and logic is, what examples can you give me of when we would want to use this?
- What do you like about Loop & Merge?
- When is a good time to use Loop & Merge?
- Why do you need blocks to be able to use branch logic?
Activate and Distribute Survey:
- How do I activate my survey?
- What kind of surveys would you want to distribute on social media? On email? Via a link?
View Results
- What might you want to do with your results?
You need a survey that everyone in the class can work on. You have two options; create a survey yourself and use the “share project” tool to allow the whole class to be able to access it and work on it; or you can use a template from the Qualtrics library which already has questions for you to use.
Here are the conditions of the survey you use in class: You must be able to effectively add display and skip logic to some of the questions; you must have 3 blocks of questions for branch logic and loop and merge. Be prepared before class!
Have the class distribute their survey in one of the ways we learned as a final practice.