Premiere Day 2: Advanced Editing and Sound
Jeep Video
More Editing
- Sticky notes or highlighter marks all over your project (make a note to yourself to edit color, audio, ask someone’s advice about this part.
- Put your scrubber where you want a Marker and click the Marker button
- OR go to Marker>>Set Clip Marker>>Unnumbered or numbered
- Double click on a marker to write a note for yourself
Encore chapter marker–you can mark the places you want your chapters to be when you export to a DVD.
- These are helpful when setting up your video to be set to music, you can drop markers on the beats and know where your clips should be placed.
Rate Stretch tool
- Keyboard shortcut is X
- Click and drag to shorten the clip with the rate stretch tool
- This makes it so we can easily shorten or lengthen a video/audio (for example to fit video to an audio track)
Ripple Edits
- If you trim and create a space, right click and choose Ripple Delete to shift everything
- If you hold Ctrl or Command as you trim, once you let go it will automatically add a Ripple Delete (this is a Ripple edit)
- You can also use the ripple edit tool
- There is also a ripple edit tool that does the same thing without the keyboard shortcut
- You get a preview in the Program editor of what it will look like
Slip Edit
- So my clip is in the right spot in my sequence, but it’s not the right place in the clip
- Clip is a correctly sized window, but the content is wrong.
- Think of it like a little window with a film strip behind it. The length of the window doesn’t change, but you can slide the film strip behind the window to show different frames. This is what the Slip tool does. It allows you to choose exactly which from starts and ends the clip.
- Select the Slip tool
- Click and drag over the clip and the clip will update, you get a preview in the Program editor
- Keyboard shortcuts: Click on the track with the Slip tool and make sure your Scrubber is also over the clip. Then hold Ctrl + Alt and move L and R arrows to slip frame by frame. Add Shift to move 5 frames at a time.
Rolling Edit tool
- After you use the razor tool, you realize the cut is in the wrong place
- Choose the Rolling Edit tool, moves a cut/edit point
- There has to be enough extra footage that we are not seeing in order to be able to roll the edit point
- If you are at the beginning or end of that clip, it can’t extend in that direction.
Replacing Clips
- Allows you to swap out clips for one another
Hold Alt key and drag and drop a clip on the timeline, all the edits still intact
- Make sure audio is on the same track
- Useful to have Snap turned on.
- Could use this for editing purposes if you computer isn’t up to speed with the really high quality video. You could create a lower quality clip to show them what I’m going for, then just replace the footage later with nice footage, all you edits still intact.
- Sometimes your computer cannot handle all the high quality video, so you use proxy video and then replace it later
Inserting clips
- Hold Alt and Command/Ctrl to Insert the clip without overwriting anything in your Sequence.
Rearranging clips in the Timeline
- Select a clip in the timeline and hold Command, move it so the start is over the start of the clip you want to swap with
- Then hold Alt or Option and it will swap the two clips
- Usually works well when you drag the later clip and drop it on a previous clip.
- Sometimes hard to remember, so you can use the other tracks as posterboard where you can drop things temporarily. Not technically the way they are supposed to be used, but it works
Creating alternating cuts/copy a Sequence to reedit
- Select the Sequence in the Project panel and click and drag to the video folder while holding Command or Ctrl, or just Right click and choose Copy.
- Creates a copy of the sequence
- Allows you to compare and contrast different ways to edit a sequence
Disconnecting Audio and Video
- Nice to have the audio come in early sometimes, a J cut or an L cut
- Hold down Opt or Alt, trim just the video and not the audio
- Right click and choose unlink, which allows you to move the video and audio separately (Rolling Edit tool works great)
Audio Gain
Adjust Clip position
- Just click on the clip
- Affect control point and bounding box appear
- Just move it
- Click away to deselect
- You can lock them from movement in the Timeline panel
Scale and rotation
- Typically you don’t want to go over 100% because it blurs it, raster image with pixels
- Uniform scale, adjust height and width independently
- Scale and rotation both happens at that anchor point, so make sure it’s where you want it to be
- Rotation–counterclockwise (negative), clockwise (positive)
Little clock next to it–means these can all be animated, we’ll cover later
Applying Video transitions
- In the Effects panel, choose Video Transitions
- Choose an option and drag it over to the cut point between two clips
- Red bar means that you need to render the footage to get it to play properly (press Return to create a video preview)
- Cross dissolve is the probably the most common
- Dip to black is good for fading in and fading out
- Make sure you have extra frames before and after the cut, or the cross dissolve won’t work as well, otherwise it will just slow down the frames it does have.
- Use these artistically, don’t overdo it.
Using Transitions effectively
- Many of these transitions are very distracting,
- Transitions need to support the story telling, not detract from it
- Most of these are wipes, very jarring, take you out of the video, now my attention is on the effect instead of the message
- Star Wars actually used a Wipe to show a huge distance in space, worked but often it’s not used
Setting up a default transition
- Right click on Dip to Back and set it as the Default
What if you want cross dissolve on all of them? Don’t want to do it with each
- Select the whole track with the Track Select Tool and then go to Sequence, Apply Default Transition to Selection.
Adding Text: Using video layers
- We can put some text over the video to identify what our viewers are seeing
- For example we could put “Story Time” on this clip.