Photoshop Day 3: Photomerge, content, touch up, filters
Screencast (feel free to share this with students if they miss this day):
File URL:
- Merge Photos
- Heal photos
- Use Photomerge
- Fill selections with content aware fill
- Use healing tools correctly
- Apply Filters to photos
- A set of pictures and then them combined into a Panorama
- Any questions since last time?
- We will be learning about merging photos and healing them. You might need to merge photos if the area you wanted to capture was too large, such as when taking a panorama.
- When pictures are merged things often don’t go 100% right and then we need to heal them. We also often have to heal single photos when something unwanted appears in the picture.
- Merge multiple photos together
- Fill empty areas with content aware fill (Edit > Fill > Content Aware Fill)
Healing photos
- Smart Objects
- What are smart objects? Why are they important?
- Here is a helpful video:
- Use smart objects to apply the filters listed below
- Sharpen
- Unsharp Mask
- Blur
- Blur Gallery
- Iris
- Gaussian
- Blur Gallery
- Camera Raw Filter
- This filter is so expansive, it could be its own class. Our goal is to just show students where it is, and some basic functions of it
- Recap
- We learned how to have Photoshop merge photos for us.
- We learned how to heal problems with our photos with Photoshop’s healing tools.
- Next time
- The non photo parts of photoshop.
- These are the tools for making cards, banners, invitations, posters, etc.
- We might also play around with another fun filter (Liquify) if we have time
- Office/Facebook
Example Hook
Example Questions
What is a panorama? Using what you know right now how would you make one in Photoshop?
What is a clone? Therefore what do you think a clone stamp would be?
Do you remember the red eye tool and the spot healing brush? What did they do?
When would you want to remove something from a photo?
Have you ever used filters in a different program (i.e. Instagram)? What did you use them for?
Example Activities and Files
Photomerge activity: students are unlikely to have their own files to create a panorama with so have them use the class files (Canyonlands Panorama Folder).
- In Photoshop go to File>Automate>Photomerge
- Have them use Auto layout
- Under use choose files, then browse to the files you want to merge (Canyonlands1-Canyonlands5).
- Once you have completed this activity you can have them practice more on the files in Extra Images > photomerge panoramas.
Healing activities:
- Patch.jpg, patch tool, show how to remove the child from the photo
- CloneStamp1, clone stamp tool, remove the shadow and close the window
- Restore.jpg, as a challenge use the healing tools to restore this old photo by removing the crease.
- There are a bunch more images in the Extra Images folder that can be used for practice.