Excel Day 4: Charts and Graphs
- Create and manipulate charts
- Use different viewing options such as Freeze Panes and Split Screen
- Prepare a document for printing using page layout and backstage view.
Hook: Finished Day 4 files
- Has anyone used Excel since last class?
- Does anyone have any questions since last time?
- Paste Special:
- Use paste special to paste the values, transposed, down the empty slots labeled “Price” and “Quantity”.
- Scatter-plots
- When to use a scatter-plot
- Adding a trendline
- Switching x and y axis
- Change input range
- Pie Charts
- When to use a pie chart
- Edit the legend/title
- Display percentages
- Histograms
- When to use
- Split Screen
- Freeze Panes
- Page Break preview
- Insert Page Break
- Manipulate size of page
- Recap:
- Create and Manipulate charts
- Viewing Options
- Printing
- Help desk/Instagram/Upcoming classes