Becoming a trainer
Individuals who have worked at the media lab for at least a semester can start the process of becoming a software trainer. In order to become a trainer, you must complete the following:
- Attend a class (as a student) on the clock
- Watch all the training videos here:
- Go to all of the new trainer training meetings (these meetings should be scheduled by the training lead and Ben if they are being held that semester)
- Get scheduled to be the third co-teacher for a class where you have at least the level 1 badge (assigned by scheduler and Ben)
- Coordinate with the teacher to teach one skill on each of the last two days and get feedback from one of the co-teachers
- Give a 5-minute training in team meeting and get feedback (talk to Ben or one of the leads to set this up)
- Get scheduled to teach your first class. Tag Ben and the training lead in a comment on Trello telling them what day you are teaching so they can observe you and give feedback.
- Submit your trainer badge on badgelist