Davinci Resolve Day 2: Fusion
- Node system
- Node Effects
- Merge Nodes
- Masks
- Keyframes
Practice Files: Davinci Day 2 Files
The Fusion Tab
- Fusion is the way Davinci does effects but swaps out Premiere’s Layer system for a more complicated but also more powerful node system
- Fusion can be used to add graphics, text, effects, compositing, etc.
- Go to fusion tab to work from timeline clips OR right click in edit tab media pool and add “new fusion composition” then go to fusion to work from scratch
- Top two panels: BOTH viewer panels (unlike edit tab)
- Bottom panel: Node Graph
Editing Nodes
- Davinci interprets the effects applied to a clip through flowcharts
- Yellow triangle: Input
- Grey square: Output
- Blue triangle: Mask input
- Each node is an instruction to fusion
- for example:
- “Media in” = grab clip from timeline
- “Media out” = render
- Add nodes to flowchart by dragging and dropping from toolbar or effects panel
- Does nothing yet because it is not connected to flowchart
- Break connection by clicking on right side of yellow/blue line
- Drag from grey square of “media in” to yellow triangle of new effect, connect effect to “media out” the same way
- Have students add blur node (droplet icon on toolbar) to a clip
- Effect settings are adjusted in inspector tab on right
- Adjust blur size
- When you return to the edit page the changes will be applied
- To add multiple effects you have to merge
- Drag in second effect
- Add “merge nodes” effect (overlapping rectangles with arrow icon on toolbar)
- Connect merge between effect 1 and media out
- Connect effect 2 grey square to merge node green input triangle
- OR
- Drag in second effect
- Connect grey output square of effect 2 to grey output square of effect 1
- Merge node will be automatically added
- Have students add text effect on top of blurred clip
- What are masks:
- a way to apply effects to a specific outlined area
- Add effect (like before)
- Grab mask shape from toolbar and drag on to graph
- OR
- Select node then click mask shape
- Mask shapes
- Rectangle
- Ellipse
- Polygon
- B-spline
- Have students add background effect (merge between ‘blur1’ and ‘text1’)
- Apply mask in rectangle around text
- Edit effect in inspector
- Edit mask in inspector or on viewer
- Edit effect settings and mask shape
- What are keyframes:
- a snapshot that defines the starting and ending points of a smooth animation
- Diamond on right of settings in inspector = keyframe
- Move playhead to start of animation
- Click keyframe and set setting in inspector
- Move playhead to end of animation and change setting
- Fusion moves smoothly from start to end
- Add as many keyframes as necessary
- Connect one mask to two nodes
- Have students keyframe rectangle mask to appear from center
- One mask can be applied to multiple nodes
- Grab maks output again and drag to new effect input
- Apply rectangle mask with animation to text so that both appear from center
- What is spline:
- animation curve or graph of how your keyframe animation is changing
- Go to spline (tab at top right)
- Bottom right: graph of animation
- Click zoom to fit button
- Select keyframe and adjust graph- ease in, ease out, etc
- Close spline